
All Natural Ingredients |
The Keys to How the VP-RX Ingredients Work For You
This product contains a number of natural and herbal aphrodisiacs, which have been known for many years for their ability to increase male sexual desire and performance.
- Horny Goat
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Panax Ginseng
- Muira Pauma
- Hawthorn
- Cayenne Fruit
- Catauba
- Tribulus terrestris
- Saw Palmetto
- Inosine
- Oat Straw
Maximize Your Life Today!
- Gain up to 3.5+ Full Inches In Length
- Expand Your Penis Up To 25% Thicker
- Helps to Stop or Assist in Erectile Dysfunction
- Helps to Stop or Assist in Premature Ejaculation
- Have more Intense Orgasms To Improve Your Love and Sex Life
- Produce a much Harder, Longer and Stronger Erection
- Please your partner's sexual desire EVERYTIME!!
- 100% Safe To Take, With No Side Effects
- Sold Over 1.6 Million Bottles worldwide!
- No Pumps! No Surgery! No Penile Exercises Needed!
Doctor Approved All Natural Formula |

Special Online Prices
Order Direct And Save!
1 Month Supply - $39.95
2 Month Supply - $70.95
3 Month Supply - $100.95
4 Month Supply - $130.95
5 Month Supply - $150.95
6 Month Supply - $170.95*
*Special Company Bonus!
1 FREE Bottle of VP-RX Oil
Order VPRX Today