What Does Virility Pills VP-RX Do?
While using Virility Pills VP-RX Formula you will experience several major changes in your sex life! Increased Size, Stamina & Pleasure. Improved Sexual Desire & Function. More Powerful Erections
What are the Ingredients of the VP-RX Formula?
Virility Pills VP-RX are an all natural herbal supplement containing Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, Hawthorne, Horny Goat, Damiana Leaf, Muira Puama, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Panax Ginseng Root, Tribulus Terrestris Herb Extract, Catuaba, Saw Palmetto, Inosine, Oat Straw, and Cayenne.
• United States Formula
• International Formula
Are there any side effects?
No. Because the Virility Pills VP-RX formula is an all natural herbal formula you should not experience any side effects. If you have any serious medical concerns you may review the ingredients with your doctor.
How should I use VP-RX Formula?
The usual dose of VP-RX is 2 capsules daily with a meal. Continued use of VP-RX even after the symptoms have improved is recommended. This will maintain your sexual desire and performance in optimal condition.
How long will it take to get my order?
You should receive your order in 3-5 business days. Most international orders are received within 7-14 days. We cannot control the local customs in your country, therefore some orders may take longer.
Is the package discreet?
Yes, all orders are shipped in discreet packaging.
How can I order?
You may order by credit card, check or money order. We accept credit card and bank echeck payments online.
What name will show up on my Credit Card statement?
AAGP, Inc or PayPal.
If you have not received your order or have any other questions email us at
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. VirilityPills VP-RX is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No part of this website, including images, claims and text may be reproduced or used without the explicit written consent of EyeFive, Inc. Individual results may vary.
